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(More customer reviews)Having trouble passing the CCNA exam? Need to find equipment but can't afford the costs? Want to have several different routers to work with? Think you'll need a new lab? Well Cisco Press may have taken the trouble to help you out more than you know.
With the software there was absolutely no trouble installing and I installed it on Windows 98, NT, 2000 and XP, each worked flawlessly. After the install you need the cd to run which should be changed in future releases.
Once installed you are ready to begin, although you do need to give the host of the console an IP address first and this too needs to be corrected. Seems to work far better that other routers eSIM since is isn't database driven but Flash driven. Giving you every possible help, the commands that are useful are bolded, aiding in the learning process.
There are 3 scenarios, scenario 1 is 5 router and 10 hosts. Although switches are included you can not configure them which I think would be very useful. In scenario 2 you work with switches and VLANS and 2 is intra-Vlan routing. You have several labs for each scenario and you can always make up your own.
The second cd included has over 100 activities and not all relate to CCNA but you'll find them useful for other things related to networking. There is also over 200 flash cards to study from and about the only problem I found is that you have to enter the full command rather than the shorter version.
There is some cleanup needed but you should be able to pass the exam with this one. Now tailor the ICND and CCNA courseware to this eSim and you have a sure fire winner.
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CCNA Router and Switch eSIMAuthorized router and switch self-study simulation software for CCNA exam preparation
Beyond the eSIM network simulator, CCNA Router and Switch eSIM also includes the following self-study learning tools:
Lab activitiesEnter router commands, drag and drop objects, and answer questions on topics ranging from IP address classes to basic router configuration to extended ACLs. They are designed to make sure you have a full understanding of router command syntax.
200 CCNA Flashcard questionsChoose from among the CCNA skill areas, set the amount of time and the number of questions, choose whether questions are ordered or random, and build your own practice CCNA exam.
Video lessonsExpert instructors guide you through processes, such as subnetting Class C IP addresses; complex topics, such as dedicated and switched WAN technologies; and the various components of selected Cisco devices. This expert guidance delivers specific topics in an easy-to-comprehend format.
PhotoZoomsZoom in for close-up views of high-quality photographs of networking equipment and other products such as cables and diagnostic equipment. You can choose from various views, get detailed information on selected product parts, and zoom in for close-up views to familiarize you with these critical network environment devices.
CCNA Router and Switch eSIM improves upon the traditional interactive multimedia learning experience for networkers who are preparing for the CCNA exam, are new to the networking field, or are practitioners who want to perfect their hands-on configuration skills. CCNA Router and Switch eSIM combines on two CD-ROMs tools that not only provide intermediate- to late-stage hands-on test preparation but also provide help in translating theoretical learning to real-world application. Network simulations, tutorial activities, practice test questions, and other electronic learning tools result in a comprehensive and interactive package for CCNA self-study.
CCNA Router and Switch eSIM begins with the eSIM network simulator. This simulator provides hands-on experience with routers and switches using three network scenarios: five routers, which includes support for access control lists (ACLs); three switches, for trunking and virtual LANs (VLANs); and two switches and one router, for routing between VLANs. Each scenario enables you to specify your own IP addressing schemes, providing you with a dynamic IP addressing environment. The accompanying electronic user manual presents 14 activities for you to work through, but the totally open, freely configurable, simulative environment of the eSIM network simulator allows hours of exploration and experimentation throughout the three network scenarios.
CCNA Router and Switch eSIM is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco Systems that can include simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press.Titles in this series provide officially developed exam preparation materials that offer interactive learning, assessment, and networking simulation experience to help Cisco Career Certification candidates learn concepts and understand the application of networking concepts in a real-world setting.
The interactive self-study learning products on two CD-ROMs enable you to
Practice with freely configurable software-based network scenarios
Work within three network environments
Develop your hands-on skills
Gain confidence for your CCNA exam
Minimum System Requirements
System running Windows(r) 95, 98, 2000, or NT(r) 4.0, Mac(r) OS 9 or higher300 MHz with 64 MB RAM
Minimum 800 x 600 video resolution with 256 or more colorsCD-ROM drive
Windows Media(tm) Player 7.0 or higher. Note: Windows 95 and NT 4.0 do not support Windows Media Player 7.0, so the videos must be played on a different OS
CCNA(r) Router and Switch eSIM provides state-of-the-art network environment simulations
Flashcards Flashcards contain a sampler of 200 questions to help you study for the CCNA certification exam. These questions cover seven key skill areas: the OSI model, Cisco IOS(r) Software, routing, IP addressing, LAN switching, WANs, and routing protocols.
VideosVideos further your understanding of complex networking topics and provide an ideal format for showing facilities such as wiring closets. In these videos, Cisco Networking Academy(tm) Program instructors guide you step-by-step through complex processes like subnetting Class C IP addresses and determining administrative distances. Topics such as dedicated and switched WAN technologies, CSU/DSUs, and access control lists are also discussed. Other videos discuss various components of Cisco equipment.
PhotoZoomsPhotoZooms feature high-quality photographs that enable you to zoom in and out and change angles to see various levels of detail. Fifteen PhotoZooms show various networking equipment including hardware devices, cables, and diagnostic tools.
Host Configuration To simulate a real-world environment, CCNA Router and Switch eSIM requires you to configure the communication parameters of the host computer connected to the device. Additionally, you can ping from host to host, host to device, or device to device after you correctly configure the devices.
Color Coded Help Multiple levels of the context-sensitive help provided with Cisco IOS(r) Software are included. Commands supported by CCNA Router and Switch eSIM are highlighted. Syntax errors are treated just the same way they are on real hardware. Nonsupported commands pop up a window.
Configuration ScreenInteract with devices via a terminal emulation program (CiscoTerminal). Command abbreviation, command completion, the cursor keys, and the More prompt all respond the same way they do with actual Cisco networking equipment.

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