Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Over the last 10 years that I first installed STARCRAFT I have replayed it countless of times. Every time a new overhyped game disappoints me, this is one of the games I pull out of my library to be reminded what a GREAT PC GAME LOOKS & PLAYS LIKE! (others include UNREAL, BALDUR's GATE, GRIM FANTANGO and SHOGUN:TOTAL WAR)
Everyone has his/her favorite RTS and no one can claim that STARCRAFT introduced the futuristic RTS genre (that would be DUNE). Nevertheless, the great, crisp and clear graphics, the balanced units and the strategic terrain all contributed into turning STARCRAFT into a true classic. This is a game that passed the test of time, not only because its aging graphics are still acceptable but also because it is one of those games that stays with you. Forever.
So, the next time some gaming industry MBA (who probably could not tell an RTS from an cRPG) tables the idea of LIMITED INSTALLATIONS, what he will have primarily accomplished is to have his game forgotten within a year.
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