Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I am a software tech- I am always testing new programs. I have tried "several" utilities that "claimed" to speed up my XP SP2 "maxed out" DELL 8200, 3.06ghz, 1002mb memory, computer. None worked, until Fix-it6!
Utilities that mess with the registry, are VERY risky!
I had BAD results (had to do a system restore, with the others, using- Acronis 9.0 (read my GOOD review!). I tried System Mechanic5, Winoptimizer, and 1clickfix (the worst for me!, I wouldn't even try it!), + several others that actually slowed my computer!
Fix-It 6- ROCKS! Programs open/run so much FASTER!
Anytime you see love/hate reviews on software, the "hate" reviews are usually because of installation problems...! I've installed fix-it on "several" clients computers, without a problem.
How to !BEST! install...-
Note-When installing pgm, ONLY install Fix-It Utilities (forget ALL their other utilities...!!!). The rest are usually unnecessary & a HUGE pain...! (custom, down arrow & disable spyware & antivirus...)! DISABLE AUTO-UPDATE!
Install with "!!!startup group items disabled!!!" (Google search) & install fix-it Utilities ONLY!... Make sure your firewall is enabled!
Do ONLY "1" manual check for updates/install... (Help/Easy Update... I Register later).
You can use it on other computers IF you only do "1" update!
Now to clean...-
1.Go to OneStopSolutions & run CleanUp.
2. I recommend that you back-up your registry (I use freeware Erunt).
Go to FIX, and keep running... "Registry Fixer" over and over (back) (& only delete green/maybe yellow if uninstalled...), until no more invalid entries can be deleted (usually hundreds! Slow, but thorough!). Restart.
3. Go to OneStopSolutions & run All-InOne
Restart ("ALWAYS!" wait for hard drive lights to stop blinking, before you do anything more...!!! SLOW DOWN!)
NOTE: If your computer is still slow- May be Spyware or a Virus?-1. For Spyware- Get #1SpySweeper (disable memory shield, read my review on PROPER install!) for spyware, or freeware #5Windows Defender (much less effective!) & do a full scan...
2. For anti-virus-
I use NOD32 (tricky to configure! Try free trial). Highly rated Bit Defender 10 or AntiVir "Pro", are easier! NEVER run TWO "active" antivirus pgms, at once! You MUST completely uninstall old AV first- Then clean with Fix-it (1 & 2 above),
3. For a firewall-
XP firewall only protects "incoming", so you never know when spyware/virus..., is "sending"...! BAD!
I recommend/use- I've tested several, and only found one that isn't a "buggy..."/ "resource hog", I REALLY LIKE "FREEWARE (Google it...)" Sygate Personal Firewall version "5.5!" (later versions are "buggy..."!). Passes all the firewall security tests I've tried, and user friendly!
To install new firewall- Log off internet, uninstall old ((you can only run one firewall! disable XP- Control panel, Windows Firewall...), Fix-it 6... (1 & 2 above), install new firewall, restart, log onto internet..., restart.
Run fix-it AllInOne... (want your computer 40%+ faster!?- Read my review on Diskeeper Pro 10 (10 ONLY!), and forget AllInOne!)
Click Here to see more reviews about: VCOM Fix-It Utilities 6 Pro
With Fix-It Utilities 6 Professional you have a fully integrated suite of utilities designed to detect and even eliminate many potential problems on a PC. This computer diagnostics suite finds and prevents problems before they occur. In addition, it has easy, schedulable maintenance to help you recover lost data, diagnose system hardware, and tune the registry.
Click here for more information about VCOM Fix-It Utilities 6 Pro
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