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(More customer reviews)My title for this book review may seem a bit out of the ordinary, but so is this book. If you're thinking about buying it, you're probably hesitant because of the unusually high price. Forget the high price issue. If you are an executive, a company owner, or a human resource professional, this book has more value-per-page than practically any other book you'll read this year.
The whole concept of talent management is undergoing major change. The whole field is in a state of evolution as a result of the economy, technology, new approaches to employment, outsourcing, the increasing use of metrics, the emerging strategic partnership of the CEO and CHRO, legal and ethical issues, diversity, and more. Talent management has turned into a jungle that seems to get thicker with every step we take.
With the increasing complication, this field becomes more difficult to understand-at the same time that more people and more companies are entering the arena. Somebody who knows what it's all about needs to write a guidebook that will explain the terms, dig into the issues, and make sense of all this. "Talent Management Systems" is that book. And Allan Schweyer, Executive Director of the Human Capital Institute, the leading comprehensive not-for-profit organization in the field, is the ideal author.
This book covers just about every topic you want to learn about in the talent management arena. The depth is appropriate for the reader who wants a solid overview with enough detail to "get" the picture...and be able to relate all the parts. My problem in reading it was overcoming my habit of turning down page corners. When you turn down almost every page, you eventually give up and realize that you'll probably use the index for reference and re-read at least parts of the book over and over.
In these pages, you'll find lots of best practices. That resource makes this book a valuable asset. Even more valuable, however, is the clarity of presentation as the author explains the terms, the processes, the benefits, and the interrelationships. It's all here. I was a bit concerned when I thumbed through the book and found precious few graphics. As I got into the text, I discovered I didn't need graphics. The illustrative nature of the words is quite sufficient to convey the messages.
The book is current, state-of-the-art. If you're in this field, it should be on your shelf-or better: on your desk. If you're considering any aspect of workforce recruitment, management, development, or retention as a career, read the book now. In fact, suggest that your university professor add it to the class reading list. Read the book before you talk with the prof, and you'll probably discover you know a lot more than the academic does! I've been in this field-and its predecessor fields-for over two decades. Remember, I'm the one who was turning pages down.
"Talent Management Systems" is highly recommended for practitioners, aspirants, and the teachers and mentors-who want to help their protégés, but also keep a step ahead of them.
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Talent Management Systems: Best Practices in Technology Solutions for Recruitment, Retention and Workforce PlanningTalent Management Systems addresses the transformation Web-based technologies have brought to workforce acquisition and management. It examines proven and leading-edge best practices, and what tactics and strategies organizations should employ to remain competitive in this arena. The book is part practical, offering advice on how to institute best practices in e-recruitment and talent management, and strategic, discussing trends and state of the art technology and practices that should be adopted or avoided.
"We're at the brink of the next global battle in the war for talent, and companies with a firm grasp on today's technologies, and the best view over the horizon, are positioned to win. No one understands the intersection of talent and technology better than Allan Schweyer and, as this book demonstrates, no one tells us the story as clearly as he. This is an essential read and an important work in the now-critical discipline of human capital management."—Michael Foster, CEO, AIRS, and Author of Recruiting on the Web
"Allan Schweyer has been on the leading edge of recruitment technology since the dawn of the Internet. In many ways the Internet has created more confusion than solutions for the world of recruiting and talent management. It has certainly made things more complex. HR professionals and even company presidents have become desperate for clarity on the future of talent management-Allan Schweyer's book provides that clarity and establishes him as the authority on web-based hiring and talent management. No major implementation decision should be made without this invaluable guide."—Graham Donald, President, Brainstorm Consulting
"Talent management has suddenly gone from being a nice idea to a core business function. No one knows more about this new function, and the technologies that make it possible, than Allan Schweyer."—David Creelman, Senior Contributing Editor, HR.com, and Independent Human Capital Analyst
"Once again, Schweyer has produced the best writing in North America on this subject, which I've covered for fifteen years."—Bill Kutik, Technology Columnist, Human Resource Executive
"As corporate executives quickly come to the shocking realization that the global workforce-and how that talent is managed and developed both locally and globally—will almost unilaterally determine their future success in global markets, few workforce experts have bothered to provide business leaders with a useful compass and map for the next chapter of workforce management. Mr. Schweyer generously and eloquently provides the talent compass and workforce map for the first pragmatic steps of the new global journey."—John Chaisson, CEO, Global Workforce Solutions
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