
BRODERBUND Braveheart (Windows) Review

BRODERBUND  Braveheart (Windows)
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One of the fears of game-developers is that people will copy their game, and they won't receive profits. However, one of the fears of game-player is that the systems will no longer support their games. Hence the gigantic move to the console, and the shut down of the PC game market (unless it's an obscene amount of revenue like the on-line pay to play games). Here, cDilla and/or SecuROM have locked down the CD's distributed by Broderbund/SmartSaver. This is very, very, very unlike Broderbund. They have been an avid compter software manufacturer since the mid 80's. What happened to them? (Rumor has it that the evil MindScape company bought them up.) No one knows. Here, if you did ever buy this game, you'll need the box top, receipt, UPC, and CD. Then, in the spirit of what use to be Broderbund, they'll give you a credit. You can't play this game. They don't want you to. A number of hacking/backup software programs will illegaly take down the "Please insert the correct CD" dialog box that you'll get after you install patch 3.22, but none of the companies involved want anything to do with you after you buy this game. I see greed. They see protecting profits. Mel Gibson, Parmont, 20th Century Fox, ICON, Eidos, cDilla, and SecuROM sure have let us down. They only wanted you to play it for a couple years and throw it away, so you could buy more things that don't work from them. Ha! ******WARNING THIS GAME WILL NOT WORK******. You'll have more fun if you throw $10 out your car window and see who fights over it. Mel's already got mine.

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